Nikon Issues New Verion of NX Studio Today

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Today, Nikon issues a small version update to their image editing software, NX Studio. This is a small update and fixed an issue in which color profiles would sometimes not be embedded when pictures were exported.

I wish Nikon were to add a proper adjustment brush into NX Studio. The color point adjustment tool only allows local adjustments in the shape of a circle, pretty useless if you ask me!

More details and the link to the download page:

Changes from Version 1.3.1 to 1.3.2:

Let me know in the comments if you use NX Studio and if so, what you think of it.

Robert G Allen Photography

Welcome to Robert G Allen Photography. I'm a professional multi-disciplinary commercial freelance photographer based in the Pacific Northwest and a Nikon DSLR Enthusiast.

While my career has primarily been as an event photographer, this website represents other areas of photography for which I have professional competency and enjoyment. The resulting front page gallery and single subject galleries are the result of a combination of client assignments and personal areas of interest.

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