Nikon Removes the Entry Level Full Frame D610 Camera from its DSLR Lineup
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When I visited Nikon’s page recently, I noticed that the Nikon D610 had been removed from their full frame DSLR lineup. The Nikon D610 has been out of stock for quite sometime on their site and other retailers so the omission of the D610 is not surprising (although to my surprise, B&H is showing a brand new one currently in stock). What is surprising is how it’s being done. To just omit it from their graphic by leaving a blank space is not a very graceful exit. Is this how all of their DSLRs will finely go, just a blank space on their main full frame DSLR graphic (see below)? Not very graceful in my opinion and respectful to a camera that has overall served Nikon well over the years.
Screenshot from Nikon’s website showing the FX Entry-Level Nikon D610 part of their graphic empty.
Now, don’t get me wrong, a camera model this old (the D610 was announced on October 8th, 2013) I would have thought it would have been eliminated a few years earlier, considering we are going on 10 years now.
And, need I mention the oil spots that plagued the original model, the Nikon D600? This Reddit post ( clearly illustrates how frustrating the oil spot issue was for many users. I was fortunate to not have the oil spot issue with my Nikon D600, or never noticed it. I only upgraded to the D610 because it had a few enhancements over the D600 and since it was a newer model, of course I had to have it :). Some users still reported oil spot issues with the D610!
I used the Nikon D610 on several paid assignments, several weddings, a few events but mostly family activities (birthdays, travel etc….) I just went through some of the more than 7 thousand plus photos I shot with the D610. Overall, it did a good job in most situations.
I still have a D610 as indicated on my current gear list ( I’m not sure how long I will keep it but I like having the option to choose between the full family of Nikon full frame DSLRs (or is that the former family of full frame options) to choose from when going on assignment. Granted, I don’t choose it often but still it’s nice to know it’s there if needed.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your opinion), the Nikon D610 legacy will live on on Nikon’s website in their camera archive section at
Let me know your thoughts on the Nikon D610 below by leaving a comment. I would be interested to hear your experiences with the D610. In the meantime, check out the Nikon D610 product video on my gear list page, the video makes it appear that the D610 is the latest and greatest from Nikon.
With a release date of October 2020, the Z7II offers plenty of opportunity for updates and changes, much of which are overdue. Just like the Z6III, I think similar changes could be made to the Z7II to bring it up to date with the release of the Z7III. Here is what I think could the specs of a refreshed Nikon Z7II could be.