Welcome to the Robert G Allen Nikon Z Mirrorless and Capture One Photography Blog

Here, you will find posts about my Nikon photography and Capture One adventures, photographer interviews, Nikon hardware and software reviews, curated videos,and general commentary

Nikon Mirrorless Cameras, Battery Life Robert G Allen Photography Nikon Mirrorless Cameras, Battery Life Robert G Allen Photography

How to Extend Your Nikon’s Z Mirrorless Camera’s Battery Life

If you're a mirrorless shooter, you no doubt have noticed that battery life isn't quite the same as what we had with our DLSRs. In this video, I'll cover better ways to measure battery life with our mirrorless cameras and show you how to leverage that information into realistic decisions about your power requirements in the field. In addition, I'll also share my top eight tips for prolonging battery life in your mirrorless camera. It's a must-see for every mirrorless shooter.

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