Welcome to the Robert G Allen Nikon Z Mirrorless and Capture One Photography Blog

Here, you will find posts about my Nikon photography and Capture One adventures, photographer interviews, Nikon hardware and software reviews, curated videos,and general commentary

Photographing piano player Brandon Goldberg with the Nikon D850

Shortly after leaning that the young jazz pianist (he’s only 17!) Brandon Goldberg would be playing at one of our local jazz clubs, the Sapphire Room, I inquired to see if I could make a few environmental portraits. I was granted permission but the allocated time to capture images was very short, about 15 minutes between the early and later show and he needed to have dinner during that same time period.

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Nikon Launch Event, Nikon DSLR, Nikon D850, Nikon D880 Robert G Allen Photography Nikon Launch Event, Nikon DSLR, Nikon D850, Nikon D880 Robert G Allen Photography

Are You Ready? Nikon Launch Event! Could It Be The Successor To The Nikon D850, The Nikon D880?

Who says the Nikon launch event on 05/10/2023 has anything to do with a new Z camera. Why couldn’t it be a new DSLR announcement? The next logical DSLR needing an upgrade would be the D850. Since the emphasis in the launch notice is the number 8 (assuming the Z8), the new D850 successor would also have lot’s of 8s in it’s title, the Nikon D880.

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Nikon Firmware Updates, Nikon D850 Robert G Allen Photography Nikon Firmware Updates, Nikon D850 Robert G Allen Photography

New Nikon D850 Firmware Released

What is the newest Nikon D850 firmware version? Not much to write home about but still, it’s encouraging to see a new firmware update on such an old camera, one I own and use on a regular basis. The changes are as follows:
• Fixed an issue that in rare circumstances resulted in the virtual horizon failing to function after the firmware was upgraded to version 1.20.

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